Systems thinking

What is Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is a "new way of seeing " (Peter Senge) that complements and renews our conventional way of seeing things.

The conventional way of looking at things is characterized by seeing and dealing with snapshots of events, analyzing and categorizing based on "reductionism" thinking, and a tendency to view patterns and causality in a linear manner. However, these ways of seeing makes it difficult to continue to deliver results in today's increasingly complex and volatile organizational and social systems.

Systems Thinking intends to create more essential and sustainable results in complex systems by seeing dynamic patterns over time, the big picture including connections, and the fundamentals of our worldviews.

Systems thinking approach

Systems thinking approach

Systems thinking focuses not only on the surrounding elements of the problem at hand, but also on the connections between elements from a bird's-eye view. In situations where there are many people involved, learning from each other's positions and perspectives is very useful for communications across people, departments and organizations. What is the systems thinking approach?
Systems thinking tools

Systems thinking tools

Systems thinking uses a variety of tools to capture invisible connections of the big picture. In addition to basic tools such as "time series change pattern graph", "loop diagram", and "systems archetype", we will introduce a number of tools used by intermediate and advanced practitioners.

Examples of causal loop diagrams (CLDs)

We use Causal Loop Diagrams (CLDs) to explain various "change" cases that we have been able to help, witness, interview, and introduce to the media.

Systems thinking introduction column

From the columns published in the Systems Thinking E-mail Magazine, we have introduced articles on terms related to systems thinking, and system archetypes.